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Sedation Dentistry Barrington

Woman with laughing gas mask onAt Hart Dental, we cater to your needs while keeping your best interest in mind. An essential part of maintaining your healthy smile is making sure you’re comfortable throughout each visit. When necessary, we offer sedation dentistry options so that you can feel relaxed and proceed with ease:

  • Local anesthesia – an injection is given to numb an area
  • Nitrous oxide – this type is suitable for children and adults
  • Oral sedation – medication is taken by mouth before your appointment. You will need a responsible party to drive you to and from the appointment
  • General anesthesia – the patient remains in a controlled, unconscious state for the duration of the procedure

We understand that some people have had negative dental experiences or are fearful of pain. With sedation, you can feel confident that you’ll be able to complete the dental care you require.

Local Anesthesia for a Comfortable Procedure

We’ll administer local anesthesia to numb a specific part of your mouth. Though it’s given via injection, most people don’t feel the injection when it goes in. It can last for several hours and make speech or eating more difficult, though side effects are rare. Unlike the case with general anesthesia, while you’re under local anesthesia, you will be fully conscious.

Nitrous Oxide “Laughing Gas”

You’ve likely heard of laughing gas as an option to help you stay comfortable through dental procedures. A mask is placed over your face, and you can breathe normally while the gas enters your system. A feeling of tingling in your arms and legs or lightheadedness may occur, though you’ll feel calm and comfortable while fully conscious. The effects wear off almost immediately after the mask is removed, and you can drive home or continue with your daily activities right afterward.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia for dental work is typically reserved for extensive dental treatments, complex surgeries, for patients who chose to or for patients who experience severe anxiety or have special needs that make it difficult for them to undergo dental work while awake, or for patients who simply chose it for their own personal reasons. Under general anesthesia, the patient remains in a controlled, unconscious state, ensuring that they do not feel any pain or discomfort and have no memory of the procedure. A licensed Anesthesiologist administers the anesthesia and monitors the patient’s vital signs throughout the procedure. You will need a responsible party to drive you home from the appointment. For children, you will need two adults. One to drive home and the other to monitor the child in the backseat.

Get Started Today

If you’ve been avoiding your routine checkups or feel that you may need more complex work, we’ll evaluate you and provide you with the dental solutions you need. You deserve to show off a happy, beautiful smile. Contact our friendly, helpful team today to schedule a visit! We’re in-network providers with most PPO plans.


Sedation Dentistry Barrington, North Barrington, South Barrington and Barrington Hills IL | (847) 865-4278